If I asked you nicely would you spend some years with me
‘Cos something tells me that it’s right
More precisely, there’s something I can’t see
Like a haunting voice or a light
That leads me by the hand to where you are
No matter what I do
I would lay my dreams to rest girl for the chance to be with you

If I misread something be sure to let me know
‘Cos I’m having trouble with the signs
I came with nothing, that’s probably how I’ll go
But I can’t help wishing you were mine
So lead me by the hand to where you are
No matter what I do
I would lay my dreams to rest girl for the chance to be with you
Here I am the man with a thousand scars
You can soothe them with your trust
Look at me, I’ve forgotten how to sleep
I only eat because I know I must
So lead me by the hand to where you are
No matter what I do
I would lay my dreams to rest girl for the chance to be with you
I would lay my dreams to rest girl for the chance to be with you
(Copyright Jules Benjamin)